
Mike Hayes
About Me:
I work in Tyndall UCC, an electronics research centre. My team develops tiny wireless power devices that use light, heat or vibration that enable us to replace batteries in wireless sensors. I am a big sports fan of golf, pitch and putt and tennis (which I play badly) and hurling (which I admire)! I’m also a trekkie.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
We use tiny amounts of heat, light and vibration and convert them to electricty to power wireless sensors.
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We develop silicon chips and simulation models to make the wireless sensors use as little power as possible and harvest as much energy as possible. We also create testbeds showing these devices in operation.
My Typical Day:
Get up at either 6 or 7am depending on whether working from home or commuting (1 hour). Lot of meetings with my team and others from all over Europe from other research centres and industry who work with us on projects. I also get involved in running workshops, conferences etc. in our area. I travel approx. once every 6 weeks al over Europe and aro. once/year to the US.
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Check out my LinkedIn profile for typical activities. (26) Mike Hayes | LinkedIn
What I'd do with the prize money:
Sponsor one of my staff to go to a workshop
Primary and secondary school, North Monastery CBS, Cork
Junior Cert 1981
Leaving cert 1983
Be (elec) 1987
MEngSc 1991
Work History:
20 years at Artesyn Technologies, a US multinational, various roles from process engineer to design engineer, eventually becoming a team leader and manager. Power supplies for telecoms companies (telephone exchanges, models, routers, mobile masts, etc.)
2 years at DPS lining up engineers to do work in pharma, electrical installation and medical device companies.
16 years at Tyndall doing energy harvesting
Current Job:
Tyndall, ref. my linked in profile (26) Mike Hayes | LinkedIn
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Energy harvesting pioneer
What was your favourite subject at school?
Applied maths
What did you want to be after you left school?
An electronics engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Never, I was a complete angel :-)
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Golf pro if I were good enough
Who is your favourite singer or band?
The Beatles
What's your favourite food?
Steak and pepper sauce
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Fly a small plane over my town (given the controls on a one off lesson for a few mins)
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Good at hurling, golf and dancing (to keep my wife happy)
Tell us a joke.
When I was young I told people I wanted to be a comedian and everyone laughed. Nobody's laughing now!